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Image by Yen Vu

Becoming a Certified Sourced Leader

If you've read My Transformation Journey then you already know that the Shift The Field (STF) events hosted by Darla LeDoux have been major game changers for me.

In the first STF, I completely transformed my business. In the second STF, I signed up for Darla's training and became a Certified Sourced Leader, supporting others to claim their joy and transformation. And now, for the third year in a row, I find myself at STF again, reflecting on how far I've come, and how excited I am about where I am going.

So what does it mean to be a Certified Sourced Leader?

The Certified Sourced Leader (CSL) program, is an intense 12 month training in which we personally work with Darla and the Sourced team to learn how to successfully guide our clients through big time transformation.

I can confidently say that though I had been coaching for a while previous to the certification, becoming a Certified Sourced Leader has given me new skills and tools, greater perspective, more compassion, and confidence to connect with my clients in a different way, allowing for quicker and deeper transformation.

And from a business perspective that has been really impactful for me. But what I'm most grateful for, is how doing this work has pushed me in unexpected ways.

Coaching is something I take very seriously. People come to me trusting me to guide them through their journey and that's really vulnerable work. As a Sourced Leader, I am here not tell you how to live your life but to create a safe and nurturing environment for you to play, explore, find and express your truth.

My clients often come to me looking for a logo, branding, a website... a specific thing that they feel will bring their business to the next level. And while I do provide these types of design services, I have found that the real gold in my work is helping my clients look inward at what is really in their heart, and design their branding and their business model from a place of soul alignment.

Do you want to design your branding and your business from a place of soul alignment?

If so, I am here. I am excited. And I am ready to support you! Contact me if you want to do the really fun, brave work of transformation.



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